Scholarship Program


The Houston Tamil Church Scholarship Program is established to serve as the primary recipient of gifts by generous church members and friends, or by their heirs as memorials for loved ones who have left funds to assist Tamil Christian students in their education. The program exists to assist financially those qualified individuals seeking to attend a learning institution on a full time basis.

Primary Scholarship Funds:

The Houston Tamil Church Scholarship Fund serves as the primary recipient of gifts and contributions from members and friends of Houston Church who wish to contribute money to assist students in their education. The Houston Tamil Church Scholarship Program is currently comprised of two primary funds:

  • Anthony Thomas George Scholarship Fund (ATG)
  • Soosainayagam and Victoria Scholarship Fund (SV)

THE ATG Christian Youth Leader Scholarship

Purpose of the scholarship. To target Tamil Christian college bound girl students who are strong spiritually and academically. Moreover are strong contributors to the local community.

  • Providing financial aid to students studying in the STEM field
  • Awarding students who excel in academic field
  • Awarding students who actively participate and contribute to church related activities.
  • Honor students who have made a significant impact in their community
  • Honoring outstanding Tamil students

Criteria used to award the scholarship

  • Strength of Commitment to Church / missions etc
  • Academic achievement, shown by grade point average, test scores, etc.
  • Extent of community involvement
  • Leadership skills
  • Essays:

Duration of the award: The scholarships makes a one-time award to one student and is awarded only once a year.

Scholarship terms: The award winner will receive a 500$ USD one time lump sum payment.

Apply Online

THE SV Christian leader Scholarship

Purpose of the scholarship. To target Tamil Christian girl students in school who are strong spiritually and academically. Moreover are strong contributors to the local community.

  • Providing financial aid to students studying up to grade 11 (Juniors)
  • Awarding students who excel in academic field
  • Awarding students who regularly come to church and actively participate in church activities.
  • Honor students who have made a significant impact in their community

Criteria used to award the scholarship

  • Strength of Commitment to Church / missions etc
  • Academic achievement, shown by grade point average, test scores, etc.  
  • Extent of community involvement
  • Picture (Christian theme)

Duration of the award: The scholarships makes a one-time award to one student and is awarded only once a year.

Scholarship terms: The award winner will receive a 500$ USD one time lump sum payment.

Apply Online


Scholarship administrator. A board made up of 3 members of the church plus the pastor.

The application procedures

Where and when will applications be made available?
It will be made available starting August 1st at the church website.

Where the applications should be sent?
The application should be sent either to the following address” 8925 Lipan Road, Houston, TX 77063” or hand delivered at the church or sent to the following email address

When will applications be due?
Completed applications are due by Dec 31st.

Who will select the recipient(s), and how?
A committee of 3 HTC members working in conjunction with Pastor’s guidance.

How and when will the recipient(s) be notified?
All award recipients will be directly notified through email and or will be posted on the church website.

How and when will the scholarship funds be distributed?
Funding will be provided as a onetime payment to institution of choice.

Weekly Program

  • Communion Service

    First and Second Sunday of the Month

  • English Worship Service

    Second Sunday at 10:00 AM of the Month

  • Kids Sunday School and Bible Study

    Every Sunday at 9:00 am

  • Follow Us

  • Address

  • 8925 Lipan Road, Houston, TX 77063,
    Phone : 281-208-8924
  • Rev.Duraimony Dickson
    Pastor Email:
  • Email :
    Phone : (281)208-8924, (281)804-5930